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Dragon Rope

High strength, low elongation, wear and corrosion resistance, and easy operation

Multiple varieties, complete specifications, and can be specially customized

Transportation, storage, and maintenance of cables
Time:2023-04-07    View:251次    Size:+AA-A

1. Transportation
Prevent rain, moisture, and sharp tool handling during transportation
2. Storage in rolls (circular)
The right twist rope should be coiled in a clockwise direction into a coil: the left twist rope should be coiled in a counterclockwise direction into a coil, and the cables should be placed in sequence. Move each layer of cable a few centimeters to form a spiral shape without stacking each layer on top of each other for storage.
3. 8-character storage
4. When the cable is exposed to ultraviolet radiation for a long time, its strength will decrease. Therefore, after use, the cable should be placed in a backlit area to prevent direct sunlight, so as not to affect the strength and service life of the cable
5. The cable shall not be operated in molten metal, acid, alkali corrosion, nuclear reactor and high temperature environment.
6. If users want to use a certain type of cable under special conditions, they should consult with the production factory for technical assistance.